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“When people ask me what equipment I use – I tell them my eyes.” - Anonymous                                                                         

Happy to be working
logo-tm.jpg create special customized gifts for any occassion!
Chairs in Minneapolis 5x7.jpg

When I was asked to collaborate on a book of poetry and photography, using my photographs, something clicked and I decided it was time to refocus my energy on photography. I haven’t stopped taking pictures since college when I first started exploring the world through a camera lens. On the dedication page of the first photography & poetry book I created, back in 1977, I wrote, "A true poet causes you to create many poems after reading only one of his." I feel the same way today about my photographs. I love sharing what I see. That’s why I created this website, to give others an opportunity to see the world Through Sarah’s Eyes.


If something you see here moves you, please tell me. I want to know what my photographs look like through your eyes. It is my hope, that you will be inspired to go take your own photographs and share them with me. I'd love to hear from you.





My work is available on Le Galeriste,                                          

Zazzleand              Fine Art America (click to visit the online shops)


Please visit my Instagram and Facebook accounts to see my most recent art.

Feel free to contact me to arrange a private showing of my work, in person or via Zoom. I'll be happy to customize something for you.


WINK Magazine   Editions 16, 17, 18, & 19, 20, 21 (photographs, poems, and paintings)

Creatopia Magazine 


Click on this magazine icon and then click on each edition of the magazine to read it.

Work Available:

PassAlong Gifts


Any photo you see can be made into a PassAlong Gift or a card. 

​​​See a selection of cards and PassAlongGifts at Butter Bakery Cafe.                          


A selection of photo word cards are available at 

Picture Perfect Ar​t & Frame






Let me customize cards or special gifts for you. â€‹

Contact me to choose what you want or schedule a unique photo shoot. 

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